In the aftermath of the tragic death of a 2-year-old boy who was killed by an alligator at Disney's Grand Floridian Resort and Spa earlier this month, legal experts are weighing in on what responsibility Disney bears and what their best legal strategy is.The boy was...
Month: June 2016
Commercial truck crashes can have severe consequences
Truck accidents are among the most serious there are. The sheer size of the vehicles, often carrying toxic loads, can cause long-lasting and potentially fatal injuries. Of course, the people in the vehicle with which the truck collided can be severely impacted....
State highway patrol implements campaign to fight teen fatalities
Recently we talked about the role that passengers play in distracted driving by teen drivers. Although teen drivers are at particular risk everywhere, Mississippi recently earned the unfortunate distinction of having the third greatest number of fatal car crashes...
5 big mistakes to avoid after a car accident in Mississippi
Car accidents are common, but that doesn't make them any less scary or stressful. That's why most people feel frazzled and have trouble thinking clearly in the seconds, minutes and hours following a car wreck. Unfortunately, this can lead to mistakes that end up...
The role of passengers in fatal teen crashes
The leading cause of death among teens is car crashes. In fact, their chances of being killed in a crash are four times greater than adult drivers. Further, the more passengers a teen driver has, the greater the likelihood of an accident.That's why many states,...
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Biloxi, MS 39530
Telephone: 228-207-2990
Fax: 866-271-4393
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