Do you have reason to believe that you or a loved one has been the victim of medical malpractice?
If so, you don’t want to hesitate to do two things:
— Receive medical treatment from another doctor, ensuring that you fully understand your condition and what the future holds.
— Begin to collect information related to your care, including documents that can assist when making a medical malpractice claim.
Since a medical malpractice claim is so complex, you don’t want to leave any stone unturned. This means collecting the following documents:
— Your medical records. This includes anything and everything to do with your care.
— Prescription medication information. You need to know which drugs you were prescribed in the past, as well as those that you are currently taking.
— Medical invoices and bills. Simply put, you want to keep close track of every expense associated with your medical care.
— Evidence of lost wages. Can you prove that you missed time at work as the result of your illness or injury? With the right evidence, it’s easier to collect for lost wages in the future.
— Documents from the negligent party. If you have received any correspondence from the other party, such as a hospital or doctor, keep this with the rest of your records.
Generally speaking, it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you think you should keep something, you should probably hold onto it for the time being. As your claim moves forward, it’s good to know that you have all the documentation required to strengthen your stance.
Source: FindLaw, “Documents for Your Attorney: Illness & Hospitalization,” accessed April 04, 2017