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Transport company being sued for Mississippi crash

On Behalf of | Dec 9, 2016 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Two Mississippi residents have filed a lawsuit against an Arkansas transportation company in connection with an accident that occurred this past June. The crash occurred on Interstate Highway 10 in Jefferson County.

The plaintiffs are alleging that the company, P.A.M. Transport Inc. neglected to conduct proper background and employment checks on the driver who struck them and then fled the scene. They claim that the driver, before leaving the scene, did not properly control his vehicle, did not operate it safely and did not properly watch where he was going.

According to the lawsuit, one of the victims was injured in the crash. The other one was uninjured, but his vehicle was damaged. They’re seeking over $1 million, in addition to pre- and post-judgment interest and court costs. They’re asking for a jury trial.

When someone is the victim of an accident caused by a commercial vehicle, it may be possible to hold the company that owns the vehicle legally responsible in addition to the driver as well as possibly other individuals and/or entities.

Companies who operate commercial vehicles have an obligation to hire qualified drivers and to provide them with proper training. They’re also responsible for doing everything possible to ensure that they’re not driving longer in one period than is safe or trying to meet unreasonable time frames. Of course, these companies are required to ensure that their vehicles are properly maintained.

If you or a loved one has been injured or worse by a commercial vehicle driver, it’s essential to seek experienced legal guidance to determine what your options are for recovering the compensation you need to move forward.

Source: Southeast Texas Record, “Mississippi motorists blame transport company for crash,” Philip Gonzales, Nov. 30, 2016
